Team CLS and Zwift Racing League
With the latest Zwift Racing League Season starting on Jan 11th, we are (nearly) ready to go racing again!
Team CLS will be represented with 18 teams - mixed and women's only - across all categories. That is over 130 Team CLS riders participating, a truly amazing turnout!
Our category leads (Matt Uttley, Rob King and Bryan Culliford), along with all our team captains have been busy recruiting and co-ordinating our teams, so we are as ready as we can be for race one on Neokyo All Nighter on Tuesday 11th Jan.
A huge thank you to everyone who has been part of getting to this point so far. The pre-season hard work that goes on behind the scenes is what means we can enjoy the racing from next week!
Zwift Recon Events
With Zwift kindly putting on ZRL Recon rides every hour on the Monday prior to Tuesday race day, these offer the ideal opportunity to jump in as a team and recon the course. To further improve our team spirit and sharing of sneaky tips/tactics, why not post on our 'general-zrl-chat' channel on discord which recon event you plan to join and if other CLS riders/teams are joining the same recon ride, make sure you jump on discord and have a chat.
A few other points:
- Now we have our rider rosters for this season finalised, there will be a text and voice channel added for each team before Tuesday. Improvements will be coming soon so we can message each team as a group - making it far easier to reach out to members of other teams is needed... stay tuned!
- Our Fast 'n' Furious Racing event on a Monday will continue - this will remain a stand alone series, focusing on 'fun' routes, giving an opportunity to sharpen the legs or for those to get some high intensity training/racing in that are not participating in ZRL.